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Meet Shahzad Saeed

The advent of Brexit and the pandemic has seen huge changes in immigration. There have been hundreds of changes in the immigration rules over the past two years. This has led to our client confusion as to what applications they should be making and when.

Family and Immigration Specialist, Director and Solicitor, Shahzad Saeed has agreed to go under the spotlight and discuss the issues in more depth.

Shahzad is a specialist in Immigration Law and his practice focuses on Business Immigration, Private Immigration and Human Rights. He has brought successful results for clients who have had multiple refusals in the past for leave to remain in the UK under different immigration categories.

How long have you been a solicitor?

I moved to the UK, trained as a solicitor and qualified in 2012.

Why did you become a solicitor?

I think the reason I became a solicitor is similar to most, I wanted to go into a professional career where I could help people. It is a very competitive profession but I worked really hard to get to where I am today. Although it can be quite stressful, it is extremely rewarding. I get to combine all the skills I have gathered throughout my life and formulate arguments to help my clients achieve their aims. Many see the law as prestigious but I see it as a calling. I wanted to do something that uses my skills for the good and ensures that the ethical integrity of the law is upheld.

How did Brexit affect immigration law and how did immigration laws change?

Brexit has changed a lot. Immigration was at the forefront of both campaigns. The Home Office introduced a new points-based system following the end of the Brexit transition phase in early 2021. Individuals looking to work in the UK need to meet the points requirements for a Visa. If you have been offered a ‘skilled job’, earn over £26,600 and can speak English then you have met the 70 point mark. However, there are shortages of skilled workers in some sectors and therefore may meet requirements without meeting the salary expectations. I offer a consultation to establish whether you meet the current criteria.

Are immigration laws fair and could we do with changes in immigration rules?

Whether laws are fair is a matter for politicians. However, I do have some thoughts on whether they should change in regard to societal needs.

Currently, there are labour shortages due to the lack of qualified professionals in fields like hospitality and haulage. The bounce back from the pandemic is dependent on some of these roles being filled so there are no gaps in the labour chain. We have seen petrol shortages recently due to a lack of HGV drivers, this could be solved by relaxing the immigration rules through adding these critical roles to the skilled career list.

The majority of my clients are hardworking individuals that want to contribute to the UK and its society. Migrants are an essential cog in UK life and without them, we are seeing massive gaps in the labour market that they could have filled.

Finally, what is the most important element of your life?

My family mean the world to me. I have a wonderful family that keeps me on my toes.