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Understanding Domestic Violence and Seeking Help

Are You a Victim? Understanding Domestic Violence and Seeking Help

Domestic violence or abuse can affect anyone. This domestic violence awareness month Learn how to recognise the warning signs and how Farani Taylor Solicitors can help you.

Understanding Domestic Violence

“The Crime Survey for England and Wales estimated that 2.1 million people aged 16 years and over (1.4 million women and 751,000 men) experienced domestic abuse in the year ending March 2023”. However, many victims never come forward out of fear or simply not being able to recognise that they are in fact victims themselves.

Domestic violence is a pattern of assaultive and coercive behaviours between people aged over the age of 16, who have or have had an intimidate relationship for a significant period regardless of gender or sexuality or family members. Domestic violence can manifest in various forms including physical, sexual, economic, psychological as well as emotional abuse. Though largely recognisable by the physical or visible impacts, victims of domestic violence can also experience lasting medical and mental health issues that can affect their day to day lives.

Five Things You Should Do If You Are Victim of Domestic Abuse

  • Confide in trusted friends and family

Perpetrators often try to isolate their victims. If it is safe for you to do so, reach out to trusted friends and family. Refrain from isolating yourself from support systems. Though they may not be able to understand everything you are going through, confiding in them regarding your circumstances can help to remind you that you are not alone.

  • Find somewhere safe to stay

Contact trusted friends and family if it is safe for you to do so. If this is not an option for you, you may consider staying in a refuge or contacting the local authority to seek emergency accommodation.

  • Report the Domestic Violence to the Police
  • Get a Court Order to Stop Your Abusive Partner from Contacting or Threatening You
  • Seek Help from a Charity or Another Organisation

Don’t suffer in silence just because you may not feel ready to take legal action against your abuser. There are many charities and organisations that can offer you support.

Five Things You Should Not Do If You Are Victim of Domestic Abuse

  • Do Not Minimise Your Experience
  • Do Not Blame Yourself
  • Do Not Stay Silent
  • Do Not Ignore the Warning Signs
  • Do Not Hesitate to Seek Help from Professionals

How Can Farani Taylor Solicitors Help Victims of Domestic Violence?

At Farani Taylor Solicitors we understand that considering making an application for a court order as a victim of domestic abuse can be extremely daunting and overwhelming. Our family law specialists are dedicated to providing you with support and representation to obtain protection through the process of applying for a non-molestation order and or an occupation order. If you have concerns about private fees and think you may be eligible for Legal Aid, Farani Taylor Solicitors also take on clients legally aided.