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Acquiring settlement in the UK as a Victim of Domestic Violence

Mary-Ann Wanjiku discusses the legal aspects regarding domestic abuse. It is estimated that more than one in three women experience domestic violence in their lifetime. What is Domestic Violence? Domestic violence comes in many forms. The best way to overcome it or deal with it is to learn how to recognise it. There is a…

Landmark ruling regarding those with medical conditions facing deportation

Amer Rahman discusses recent landmark case. The Supreme Court recently found in favour of a man from Zimbabwe facing deportation. Although given indefinite leave to remain in the UK in 2000. He was subsequently convicted of a serious crime and given a Deportation Order. The offences convicted of include battery and possession of a firearm.…

What are Child Care Proceedings?

Sally Masango discusses child care proceedings: Get in touch Fill in the below: Otherwise call us today on 0207 242 1666 or email us.

You can still get your Islamic Will drafted…

We have worked successfully to give advice to the members of the East London Mosque for over a year. Our partnership has meant that Muslims can access information and have a Will drafted that suits their specific needs. East London Mosque and Farani Taylor Partnership If you need a Will then get in touch Complete…

Do you want to leave a legacy in your Will?

Current situation In 2019 Smee & Ford found that legacy income is worth over £3 billion to the Charity sector. However, they found only 6.3% of the population are leaving charitable bequest. This equates to 123,235 during 2018. The top 25 charities annual legacy income equates to £1.6 billion, which is evidenced by their investment…

There is light at the end of the tunnel for migrants

Although the Corona Virus epidemic has led to 129,000 visa applications in March and only 250 in April, we feel the future of immigration to the UK is safe. The government announced that some of the UK Visa and Citizenship Centres are to reopen from 1st June. This is to deal with those that booked…

The ins and outs of Furlough…

Our employment team are ready to provide advice to those worried about furlough and what the future holds. HMRC stated that by the end of May there were almost 1,900 reports of fraudulent use of the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme. Employees and their families have started to report their employers for asking them to work…

Farani Taylor helping people with their estate planning

We have years of experience helping our clients with their later life and estate planning. Our team has assisted with various aspects of social care and private client. Our experts ensure that our clients have legal protections such as Wills, Trusts and Lasting Powers of Attorney. We are looking to work with the UK Care…

What to do if you have a bereavement…

With tens of thousands having sadly passed away due to the coronavirus. Loved ones are left resolving the administration of the estate. Probate is long winded and timescales are usually dependent on HMRC and the Probate Registry. Given Lockdown there are delays across the whole administration process. These include: registering deaths, getting information from clients,…

Boris Johnson opens the door to three million Hong Kong nationals

Following the passing of controversial security laws, making it a criminal offence to criticise the Chinese government in Hong Kong. Boris Johnson announced an offer to any Hong Kong citizens with British National Overseas (BNO) status can apply for five year work or student visas. After this, they can claim citizenship following a further12-month period.…