LIFE IN THE UK: A TEST OR ? - Farani Taylor Solicitors

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1. Which word comes from Norman French:

  • a) Cow
  • b) Apple
  • C) Beauty
  • d) Summer

2. True or False?

  • Henry VI’s 6th wife, Catherine Parr, was the 2nd wife of Ann Boleyn’s cousin.

3. When was Concorde retired?

  • a) 1976
  • b) 1999
  • c) 2000
  • d) 2003

4. When was the giant’s causeway formed?

  • a) 50 million years ago
  • b) 40 million years ago
  • c) 20 million years ago
  • d) 15 million years ago

5. What was inscribed on the first Iron Age coins?

  • a) Celtic symbols
  • b) Iron Age kings
  • c) Animals
  • d) Plants

Would you believe that the above five questions are part of 24 questions from the ‘Life in the UK Test ‘for migrants who are applying for the settlement /ILR visa or want to become UK citizens?

Sometimes, Immigration Practitioners, as well as organizations dealing with immigrants, have been raising the issue that the test of life in the UK has no relevance and has too little to do with life in the UK today.

Now, a report by the Lord Justice and Home Affairs committee is saying,

“Even people born and bred in Britain would struggle to pass the test”.

The Home Affairs chair and committee, in their report, have cited questions like:

  • (a) Early Scottish Poetry
  • (b) The 18th-century furniture design
  • (c) What to do after spilling beer over someone in a Pub.
  • (d) Where the founder of British first curry house eloped with his wife?

Given the above ridiculous questions, the committee, in their report, have recommended that the life in the UK Test for migrants to become British citizens be rewritten because the questions have no practical use or benefits to the immigrants in their daily lives.

There is no doubt that the Life in the UK Test is essential for anyone applying to settle permanently in the UK to ensure they understand the democratic principles underlying British society and aspects of its culture and tradition.

Therefore, it is essential to simplify the test according to present-day requirements of calling for Emergency services and applying for an NI card and Driving license.

You will be shocked to know that one migrant took the British citizenship test record 118 times in just two years.

It means the system is not fair, and it’s failing.

(The cost of the fee is £50 test, plus £12.99 Handbook to pass it)

Written by Dost Malik, this article calls for a practical rewrite of the ‘Life in the UK Test’ to better suit immigrants’ daily needs.