Neil Corre - Farani Taylor Solicitors

0207 242 1666

Call Us 9:30am - 6:00pm Mon to Fri


Neil Corre is an accomplished trial advocate and specialist in criminal and professional litigation who is equally at home in the Administrative Court.

He is the counsel of choice for solicitors throughout the country requiring an expert in judicial review and appeal by way of case stated.
His trial experience encompasses murder, manslaughter and all manner of serious offences. He specialises in cases with a large volume of documents, such as fraud and money laundering, as well as road traffic offences.
He has represented professional clients at a number of Disciplinary Tribunals including the General Medical Council, the General Dental Council, the Nursing and Midwifery Council, the General Osteopathic Council, the General Chiropractic Council and the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy.
He is a member of the Parliamentary Advisory Council for Transport Safety, the British Academy of Forensic Sciences and the Medico Legal Society.
He is the author of numerous articles for professional publications such as Criminal Law Review, Justice of the Peace and Solicitors Journal. He is the author of four books and has given evidence to the Law Commission and the Sentencing Council.
Solicitors recognise him for the highest standards of advocacy, excellence in written advice and legal opinions, tactical awareness, accomplished trial strategy, sound legal knowledge, attention to detail and consistency of service.

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