Expert Clinical Negligence Solicitors

0207 242 1666

Call Us 9:30am - 6:00pm Mon to Fri



The vast majority of the medical profession act with the utmost care and competence. However, on isolated occasions when an error is made, the consequences can be devastating.

Professional Negligence Advice

We offer our clinical negligence team on a no-win, no-fee basis. This is because we believe that everyone deserves to be able to access expert support. With our proven track record and many years of experience, our team can secure you the financial compensation you deserve.

Our medical negligence solicitors work tirelessly on your behalf to ensure you receive the financial compensation.

Medical Negligence Eligibility

To be eligible to receive compensation for clinical negligence. The following evidence must be obtained:

  • Another medical professional must agree that the individual failed to act in the same way another doctor or nurse would have.
  • Another medical professional must agree that the consequences you suffered would not otherwise have occurred.
The presence of these two factors demonstrates liability and causality. Therefore, the sooner you contact us after the episode then the better your chances will be of getting the compensation. Our team of clinical negligence team understand this is likely to be a period of extreme distress and suffering. So we always proceed with sympathy and consideration. They will manage all aspects of your case. Even helping to relieve you from as much psychological and emotional stress as possible while you recover. Get in touch with our NHS negligence solicitors today to get assistance.
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Get in touch

It is impossible to compile a definitive list of clinical negligence as every individual is different. But here are some of the circumstances which we can help with

Types of Cases

If you are suffering because of clinical negligence or any medical negligence,  contact us today on 020 7242 1666 for a free consultation.

Key Contacts

If you are looking for help and guidance or have a question relating to Clinical Negligence, please contact us today on +44 (0)20 7242 1666.