Expert Commercial Conveyancing Solicitors

0207 242 1666

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Commercial Conveyancing

If you are looking to purchase or sell a commercial property our experts can help.

Acquisition of Business

Commercial Conveyancing is the process of preparing documents for the transaction of property, including selling and purchase, mortgage and re-mortgage, transfer and release of equity and shared ownership among others.

Having worked with a plethora of SME’s both nationally and internationally over the last decade, Farani Taylor understands the needs of both small and large businesses in terms of property requirements. Subsequently, we have dedicated a special team of expert solicitors to assist you with the commercial conveyancing process.

Our property specialists provide individuals and businesses with conveyancing services of high quality at a reasonable cost. Our hands-on approach means we can tailor our services to meet your needs.

We provide you with clear advice that will mutually benefit both parties that are part of the transaction. The process of conveyancing is a long one; it usually takes approximately 10 weeks, but sometimes drags on for much longer. Our expert solicitors aim to guide you quickly and within budget.

As part of commercial conveyance, it is important to understand the needs and requirements of the other party, while maintaining the client’s best interests. From the outset, our goal is to understand what both parties require to shape our services around the needs of our clients.

Our specialist solicitors have experience in all sectors of commercial conveyancing. These include:

  • Selling and buying commercial property
  • Property finance
  • Licensed premises
  • Business lease
  • Disposals and acquisitions
  • Construction
  • Planning
  • Development


Our expert team of solicitors carry out commercial conveyancing on a daily basis, so we are well-placed to advise on the pitfalls and constraints. Irrespective of the kind of service that you require, our team will guide you through the process, freeing you from much of the stress.

If you are looking for help and guidance or have a question relating to commercial property, please contact us today on 0207 242 1666.

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Key Contacts

If you are looking for help and guidance or have a question relating to Commercial Conveyancing, please contact us today on +44 (0)20 7242 1666.

Ijaz Ahmad

Head of Conveyancing Department