Experienced and Reliable Permitted Paid Engagement Visa Solicitors

0207 242 1666

Call Us 9:30am - 6:00pm Mon to Fri



The Acquisition of Business can be a complicated process for both companies involved. Taking over can be an expensive process, but may be necessary if you wish to develop. Farani Taylor are happy to help, offering a service that ensures the process runs smoothly.

Examples of permitted Paid activities

You can be invited by a UK-based organization or client to:

  • be a student examiner or assessor
  • take part in selection panels as a highly qualified academic if you’re invited by an education, arts or research organization
  • give lectures at a higher education institution, as long as it’s not a part-time or full-time role
  • examine UK-based pilots so they meet the standards of the country you come from if you’re invited by an approved UK training organization regulated by the UK Civil Aviation Authority
  • provide advocacy in a particular area of law
  • take part in arts, entertainment or sporting activities including broadcasting
  • take part in fashion modelling assignments
You can apply for a Permitted Paid Engagement visa if you: are invited by a UK-based organization or client want to come to the UK to do specific paid work without having to be sponsored under the points-based visa system You can stay in the UK for 30 days to conduct your paid activity.
Request a Free Callback
Submit your details, and we’ll arrange a free, no-obligation callback at a time to suit you.

Key Contacts

If you are looking for help and guidance or have a question relating to Permitted Paid Engagement Visa, please contact us today on +44 (0)20 7242 1666.

Adeeb Chowdhry

Director and Head of Business Immigration

Shahzad Saeed

Director and Solicitor