Experienced and Trusted Criminal Defence Solicitors

0207 242 1666

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The prospect of being faced with criminal law proceedings can be incredibly distressing. If you are under investigation or face a criminal charge, you need the advice and support of our criminal defence solicitors immediately.

How our Criminal Defence Solicitors could help?

At Farani Taylor solicitors, we recognise that being investigated or charged with a serious criminal offence is highly stressful. Many of our clients haven’t had any previous dealings with the police and find the experience overwhelming and deeply upsetting. Our criminal defence solicitors will guide you through this process, delivering expert advice and reassurance from the initial consultation. It is essential to receive legal advice from the outset and we offer a 24 hour call out facility for clients held in police custody requiring emergency support. If you require urgent assistance, don’t delay and call our out of hours number here: 0207 242 1666

What services do our Criminal Defence Solicitors provide?

We have a large criminal defence team at Farani Taylor, with extensive experience in all aspects of criminal law. We have worked on behalf of businesses, individuals and high profile clients, successfully securing outcomes for varying criminal offences, including:

  • Murder and manslaughter
  • Driving offences
  • Sexual offences
  • Assaults
  • Possession with intent to supply and other drug offences
  • Conspiracy to supply drugs
  • Kidnap and false imprisonment
  • Theft, robbery and burglary
  • Fraud and business crime
  • Computer misuse
  • Financial crime
  • Regulatory proceedings

If you or someone you know requires immediate representation, we have knowledgeable and experienced criminal defence solicitors available 24/7, 365 days a year. For emergency representation outside of office hours, please call us on this number: 0207 242 1666

Criminal Trial Proceedings

When a crime is reported or uncovered, the police will firstly investigate it. Whether the person charged with the crime is prosecuted depends on The Crown Prosecution Service. CPS make decisions on prosecution based upon two tests: 

  • If a case meets the evidentiary threshold for prosecution 
  • If it is in the public’s interest to pursue the case in court.

If it is decided that your case has to go to trial, the evidence and facts pertaining to your case will be reviewed by a magistrate or judge.  They will examine documents from the police, CPS and criminal defence solicitors, using these documents as a basis for a decision. Witness statements, exhibits (i.e. weapons used etc) and the indictment which displays the charges brought by the CPS will also be taken into consideration

During a jury trial, the judge facilitates the selection of the jury and provides them with direction on matters of law.

Upon commencement of the trial, the prosecution and criminal defence lawyers will present their case.  A judge will manage the proceedings and upon submission of all the evidence, the judge will summarise.  The judge sets out for the jury the law on each of the charges made and what the prosecution must prove for the jury to find the defendant guilty.

If the defendant is found guilty, the judge will determine a sentence, considering the circumstances of the case and the impact on the witness. They will underpin their decision with legal sentencing guidelines. 

Our criminal defence solicitors will provide you with optimum expert advice and representation, ensuring your voice is heard whilst supporting you through every step of this process. We will work with you to fully prepare your defence, taking a proactive approach in establishing you in a positive manner to the judge and jury.

The Court System

The Magistrates’ Court

A Magistrates’ Court will handle either the summary only or either way offences. The court’s powers for sentencing are usually limited to six months per offence committed, with the ability to impose a total of 12 months’ imprisonment. The Magistrates’ Court can also impose an unlimited amount of fines. 

A District Judge or up to three magistrates will hear the case and make decisions with the assistance of a legal advisor. Magistrates are members of the local community or are trained to implement justice. Legal advisors are legally trained, providing magistrates with guidance on the law. District Judges are legally qualified themselves. 

Magistrates, and judges at every level in the court system, are bound by established legal principles, the Criminal Procedure Rules and published Sentencing Guidelines.

The Youth Court

With our experience of the youth crime and youth justice system, we offer youths and families support and expertise, providing them with confidence and assurance that they have the very best people on their side. 

We recognise that young people have needs and vulnerabilities, thus requiring an innovative approach to support and guidance. Unlike many criminal defence solicitors, we have extensively trained Youth Court solicitors who understand all procedures pertaining to Youth Court. 

Once instructed, we work with the young person and their family to meet their specific needs when presenting and defending their case in court.

Our team of experts in criminal law are equipped to work with youths with special and educational needs, ensuring their needs are met sensitively and proactively, enlisting external support if required along the wa

The Crown Court

Crown Court proceedings are overseen by judges. Trials will be heard by a judge and jury at The Crown Court, with the judge determining the principles of law and the jury deciding whether a person is guilty or innocent. The jury will make a decision having heard all evidence and facts of the case and after receiving guidance on the law from the judge. If a defendant is found guilty in The Crown Court, the judge will have the final say on what sentence should be imposed.

Funding your criminal defence

The last thing that anyone wants to be concerned with when facing criminal prosecution is legal fees and how to fund the right defence team. 

At Farani Taylor we recognise how daunting this can be, so our objective is to provide you with all of the right information you will require to get your funding right. There is no one type of funding that suits all and what might be suitable for one person, won’t benefit another. Means of funding will differ with each case and will be entirely dependent upon a defendant’s circumstances and the stage of their case. If you would like to know more about your options, please get in touch with our criminal defence solicitors who can offer a free consultation to go through your funding choices. 

Police station representation

The interview under caution at the police station often determines the outcome of a criminal case. Any mistakes made at the interview stage can be extremely hard to recover, therefore it is imperative you have expert legal representation from the outset. Specialist criminal defence solicitors can answer on your behalf, protect your rights and also challenge questions put forward in the interview, equipping you with the best possible chance of defence from the very beginning. 

If you are prosecuted…

If you are prosecuted in a Magistrates’ Court or a Crown Court, Legal Aid can be used to cover some or all of your defence costs depending upon your circumstances. There are different criteria tests for both, however, our dedicated solicitors will look at your circumstances for you and help you receive any legal financial support you are entitled to. 

The criteria for legal aid are:
  • A means test detailing that you require support with funding
  • A merit test: Evidencing that it is in the interests of justice for you to receive legal representation.

If your case is heard in a Crown court, a means test will only be required as a case of this nature is already deemed as ‘in the interest of justice’. 

Private fees

Whilst many clients opt to apply for legal aid, some clients may not be eligible or simply prefer to fund their own legal costs. We are happy to support both private and legal aid clients.

Usually, our criminal defence solicitors operate on an hourly rate, however, we will examine your case on its own merit, considering your circumstances and needs and provide you with a quotation of expected costs.  Whilst on occasion some fees can fluctuate, we will always discuss this with you first before making any further decisions. 

Our criminal law service charges are subject to VAT plus any relevant disbursement payments made to third parties on your behalf. In privately-funded cases, all experts, barristers and other costs accrued will be expected to be covered by the client. Please get in touch so we can review your options. 

Can a criminal case be appealed?

To be convicted of a crime you did not commit is a travesty and devastating for both you and your family, however, overturning that conviction is never an easy process.  

Our accomplished appeals team of criminal law experts have an excellent reputation for investigating cases, successfully appealing both sentencing and convictions before the Court of Appeal. Not every case is successful but we will meticulously explore every potential appeal argument, ensuring every issue is fully regarded.

Farani Taylor Solicitors is authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority.

Find the most suitable, London based Criminal Defence Solicitors near you

Call us today on 0207 242 1666 to book a free initial consultation or contact us for more information.

Employers regularly request information pertaining to a criminal record. If you are required to take a DBS check as part of your application, certain criminal convictions can impact this and potentially result in employment refusal. 

If you are unsure as to what you legally are obliged to disclose to an employer or potential employer, please look at the government’s guide regarding criminal record disclosure.

Arresting officers are required to inform you who they are, why you are being arrested and what for. They must also caution you using the words: “You do not have to say anything but it may harm your defence if you do not mention when questioned something which you later rely on in court. Anything you do say may be given in evidence.”

Pending the outcome of the interview, you will either be released without charge, placed on bail whilst they investigate further or detained in custody if you are charged.

If you or someone you know requires immediate representation or help, our experienced criminal defence solicitors are available 24/7, 365 days a year. For emergency representation outside of office hours, please call us on this number: 0207 242 1666

Basically, the police have all the rights to search your phone and investigate its data if they have reasonable grounds to believe it contains evidence related to a crime or offence. This is consistent with current UK law. 

From our experience and figures from police forces across the UK evidence that most of the time, police officers will routinely extract and download data from the mobile devices of suspects, victims and witnesses. Therefore, assume that the police may use your phone to support their investigations if they believe they have grounds to do so.

CPS refer criminal cases to court following a decision that there is enough evidence to prosecute a person for an alleged crime. Most cases will be reviewed by a magistrates panel. Magistrates will decide whether they believe a person is guilty or not guilty. 

On occasion cases are tried by a single magistrate, called a district judge, who is also an acting lawyer. 

Serious cases are heard in the Crown Court and will be examined by a judge and a jury. 

Our criminal defence solicitors provide 24-hour free representation at the police station as well as all services pertaining to the Magistrates Court and Crown Court. Please feel free to contact us for a free initial consultation.

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Key Contacts

If you are looking for help and guidance or have a question relating to Criminal Law, please contact us today on +44 (0)20 7242 1666.