Therefore, there are three separate money laundering offences that you may face. Our experts have years of experience defending clients who have had one or all of the offences brought against them.
Our money laundering solicitors have defended businesses and individuals alike who have been charged with money laundering offences. We offer an initial consultation with one of our experts who assesses the case and outlines the likely process.
Our team take you through the charges and then offer support by:
Our criminal defence money laundering solicitors represent our clients throughout the process from the arrest to the trial.
Contact us to organise an initial consultation.
Money laundering is the conversion of the proceeds of crime into an asset that appears legitimate. Therefore, there are two categories for money laundering, those that commit the offence and those that are involved in the laundering.
There are three stages of money laundering that could be prosecuted under the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 (POCA 2002). These are:
Therefore, there are three separate money laundering offences that you may face. Our experts have years of experience defending clients who have had one or all of the offences brought against them.
Money laundering sentencing guidelines outline that the maximum sentence is 14 years in prison or an unlimited fine.
It is essential that you get advice from experts who have experience dealing with these offences to minimise the potential money laundering sentence.
Money laundering offences are varied and therefore each case would be different, but you can expect some of the following to happen:
Our experts can guide you through the process and advise throughout the various stages.
We have a legal aid license for criminal law, so if you meet the financial requirements then we can apply for funding to cover your legal fees.
Our initial consultation covers legal aid and we subsequently establish whether you are eligible.
You can represent yourself, however money laundering is extremely complicated and extensive. Without the proper training you could be left with an inadequate defence or unable to properly query the evidence presented.
Our experts can help to properly interrogate the evidence and use experts to help disprove allegations.
You may qualify for legal aid if you cannot afford proper representation.
If you are looking for help and guidance or have a question relating to Money Laundering, please contact us today on +44 (0)20 7242 1666.
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